First day in California

Kiki & Matthias gemeinsam mit Cat & Tom vor ihrem schönen Haus

Saturday morning, 3:13 pm in my body, that means 6:13 am in reality . I jump out of the bed and look forward to a shower in our huge and own bathroom!

ein großes Badezimmer

How to use an american shower?

I look at the temperature regulator: I have the choice between “C” and “H”. Smart like a fox I interpret C as Cold and H as Hot. So I open the water tap and turn to H. After a few minutes, my toes begin to turn blue, the water is ice cold. Hmm. Well, let’s try C. Better. Although still very cold. I remember Thailand – there I had a cold shower for a whole month! So brace yourself, Kiki! I hold my breath and take my cold shower.

Continue reading “First day in California”

The Journey

Blick aus dem Flugzeugfenster, zu sehen ist ein Wolkenmeer

Saturday morning, 3:13 pm. I wake up, I don’t need to open my eyes to know where I am. Just to read the time: 3,13 pm says the watch. That means it is 06:13 am.

Matthias wakes up.

“Good morning, my dear,” he says, “could you sleep, or did you suffer from a jet lag?”

I look at him through my swollen eyes: “Well, a little jet lag – I’ve been waking up again and again since 4 am, but I was exhausted enough to fall asleep again and again!”

He also had jet lag, he says, because it would be only 6:13 am – a time from which he had not previously known that it existed at all …

Although we slept only five and a half hours, I feel well rested – as for my body it is already 3:13 pm … Continue reading “The Journey”

We’re moving!

Kiki und Matthias lächeln zum Abschied goodbye

It’s time! We are sitting at the airport and waiting for our Lufthansa flight that will take us to San Francisco.

OK,  Lufthansa only brings us to Frankfurt, but if everything goes smoothly there will be waiting a plane from United Airlines and THEY will take us to San Francisco. San Fran…. Planned are two years. Let’s see how it really comes. And why ever San Fran?

Continue reading “We’re moving!”