Costa Rica. National Park Corcovado – Paradise² ?

Ups. I have kept you waiting quite a long time…but now it is happening: I’ll tell you what exactly happened in Corcovado!

In my Very Quickly News I already have pronounced it: I may visit the National Park Corcovado, one of the most beautiful places in Costa Rica – at least so I was told. It’s not only one of the most beautiful but also most expansive places – therefore I had not thought that this adventure could become true. In this park you can only enter with a guide – and if you are going by yourself the cost are Continue reading “Costa Rica. National Park Corcovado – Paradise² ?”

Speechless in California

I take farewell of my family and am hugged one last time. I can not suppress my tears. Mis padres neither.

I whisper softly adios. Well. Softly and whispering is still exaggerated. I just move my lips. Because my voice has decided not to go back to the USA but to stay in Costa Rica (for an indefinite time). Only cough, rhinitis, headache and sore throat want to come along with me… Continue reading “Speechless in California”