40 years of Kiki

40 years of Kiki – that sounds like a really, REALLY long time. Whew.  Admittedly, I was not too thrilled to have to leave the thirties. But sometimes you just have bad luck.

Well then, if I have to celebrate my fortieth birthday, then at least decent –  who knows how long I can still do that … to celebrate properly and so. I do not get younger! Continue reading “40 years of Kiki”

Yosemite National Park – Tioga Road – Ghost Town Bodie

Who loves nature HAS to visit Yosemite National Park. So Conni *) and I check out the road conditions and then check into Carsten **).

  *) Mother
**) Car

In Yosemite everbody can find his favourite place to be – no matter of being a  climber, a hiker, a stroller or a “car-hiker”. We decide for the last two opportunities and want to cruise the Tioga-Pass-Road. On this road you cross the entire park and get a great, no, GREAT impression of this huge natural scenery. Continue reading “Yosemite National Park – Tioga Road – Ghost Town Bodie”