Only fortyfive minutes you can be online for free at the airport of Los Angeles ! Well, then I have to write really, really fast!
What I am doing here? I got here by airplane from San Francisco and now I’m waiting for my connecting flight to Costa Rica.
And why I want to go to Costa Rica? Well, please read the complete story HERE 🙂
I am so glad that I bought a waterproof mascara! This week I had two times the pleasure of pain of parting…
Once today, saying good bye to Matthias, who I will only see again in two months.
And two days ago I had to dismiss my two girls, the twins, I took care of nearly a year.
Because while I’m going to Costa Rica, Marte & Lotte will leave for their home country, Germany. That means when I’m coming back they will be gone. 🙁
Oh I will miss you so much!!!
So, my mascara stood the test even twice! The poor sweeties didn’t understand why my eyes were dropping…
And today, San Francisco Airport: Perspiring while carrying the suitcase – mascara proves itself! Weeping while saying good bye – mascara proves itself!
Man! I completely forgot how painful it is to say good bye…
But sometimes you have to get out into the world. Get out of your accustomed comfort zone. Feel the adventure life. Feel the dare self awareness.
Of course I will tell you everything! But in Costa Rica there isn’t so much internet… The world wide web is only available in public buildings – and only when the rain isn’t too heavy… So I thank you for your understanding if I’m not able to get in touch regularly…