What’s wrong with the…the…err…the…the chicken-man, how is it called in English? Rooster? So, what’s wrong with him?! It’s five am. Familiar time. But I can’t hear the familiar Kikiriki.
I think he is on drugs. Or on rabies.
Or….oh…it’s not a rooster! I am in Manuel Antonio and right next to my hotel starts the jungl!
I jump out of my bed and further on my balcony. I rub my eyes. Can’t see. Oh, I see. Glasses are missing. I bounce back into my room. Glasses, glasses…where are they?! I can’t see enough to find it. Well then, quickly, quickly I wash my hands and contact lenses. Back on the balcony I can hear the jungel run riot – but only can see a forest.
But it’s not important. Because today I will go into the national park and everybody keeps saying, that there one will see plenty of animals.
Of course here they also serve Pinto de Gallo for breakfast
Then I meet Dayana and Guillermo in the park. Primarely I am a bit disappointed as the jungle shows perfectly paved paths – and so it is hard to get the feeling beeing one with the nature. And on these paths are tons of tourists! And we have low saison!
But still it is very nice and we are rewarded with many animals:
A sloth slothful next to the path…
As well as capuchin monkeys:
Then we arrive at beach number one. Niiiiice one.
And here I’d like to introduce my charming friends Dayana and Guillermo:
By the way: it is so hot!
We pant further – uphill and downhill. Then we arrive at the beach Manuel Antonio.
I can hear you exclaiming: “Wow, Kiki, this is so nice! We envy you!”
Yes, yes, it’s quite nice.
But I tell you what. I like Greece better… Obviously I am not a Carebbean girl (though, actually I am located at the Pacific coast…). Air is hot and humid, water is hot and humid as well. Crowds of people are posing for the best selfie…
And somehow I like the deep blue Mediterranean Sea even better…
BUT, still I am really happy beeing here hihi!
Maybe I should mention: at the beach you not only find people. You also find monkeys and racoons – so better don’t leave your stuff unattendend if you don’t want it to be stolen!
After a while I decide to return back to my hotel to stay a bit at the pool – I want to enjoy the great view.
I stay in the Hotel El Faro Beach. I can recommend it! It is located directly next to the park and it’s only a short hop to the beach.
And I love my room! It is a container and a bit narrow, but great! Bed: great! Bathroom: great! View: great! Breakfast: included and great! Shower: hot! (It’s a bit ironic, that I have a hot shower at this hot place and back in the mountains I have to shower with cold one…)
THIS is the view from my balcony:
Currently only couples are staying in Manuel Antonio – maybe because it is low season? So for dinner I walk to the Backpacker hostel Costa Linda. First: Food and beer is cheap. Second: maybe here I find some people also looking for company.
And so I meet Barefoot Bob. Profession: artis of life. Place of residence: world. So I have, after a nice day, also a nice evening.
And tomorrow I meet Dayana and Guillermo at the beach: Boogie Surfing!
PS: Oh, I wanted to introduce you this little friend:
It’s spanish name is “Pizote”. English: “white nosed coati”. German: “Weißrüssel-Nasenbär”. My family want to hear that name again and again and again and then they have great fun. Read that German word out loud – somehow it sounds like war…
PPS: Could finally find my glasses. I safed them in the safe…