In a bowl mix oil, salt and paprika. Then fold in gently the tofu and marinade.
Put tofu on a baking sheet (use parchment paper) and bake for 15 minutes. Then flip the tofu over and bake for another 15 minutes.
The Teriyaki Sauce
Heat all ingredients, except the cornstarch, in a pot. As soon the sugar is dissolved stir in the “cornstarchwater” and cook, while stiring, for about 4 minutes until thickened.
The Vegetables
Fry the broccoli in 1 tablespoon coconut oil in a non-stick pan for about 4 minutes and add a little salt. Put into a bowl and put aside.
Add 1 teaspoon coconut oil in the pan and fry the carrots for about 3 minutes. Then add to the broccoli.
Put the pak choi in the pan with 1 tablespoon water and steam covered for about 3-5 minutes. Then add the broccoli and carrots and keep warm.
The Serving
Put half of the teriyaki sauce in a bowl and marinade the baked tofu.
For serving place the rice in a bowl, on it the vegetables and tofu, add a little extra teriyaki sauce, on top put the green onion and soybean sprouts.