Tide Pool Watching at Half Moon Bay

We are tired…yes we are…maybe because we were driving nine hundred kilometers yesterday and had a lack of sleep ’cause of the last days in Vegas have left marks. Especially under my eyes…

But we don’t have time to relax as today is the best day for tide pool watching (has something to do with the moon and the tide – so check it out online before you go…)!

Tide Pool Watching in Half Moon Bay

Tide Pool
Tide Pool

Tide pools, or rock pools, are rocky pools, filled with seawater, which you can watch at low tide. Then you will find a lot of interesting living creatures like starfish, shells, cancers, little fishes and beautiful sea anemones.



And today is a very good day for observing!

Therefore: let’s go!

What did Matthias find?




And Kiki?                                           Niiiiiiiiice….

Indeed, here you can find treasures…



In between we take a little nap at the sunny sandy beach – just like our little fellows in the picture below.


caawake agein 🙂

For a little bit longer we are amazed and then…



…and then: sundowner – beautiful!






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