The SUN is shining! Yeiii! After all those clouds and rain always a hilarious variety. So, it’s just the perfect time to do the laundry… as THAT is only possible without rain.
To do the laundry – not as comfortable as accustomed…
And who would have thought of that – here you can’t simply stuff your stuff into the machine and push the button. No.
Therefore I want to start a donation call for the dearest and most hardworking family Costa Ricas: URGENTLY needed a NEW WASHING MACHINE!
Let me tell you how to do the laundry at madre Margaritas house:
1. Take the water hose and fill in (cold, as there is no hot) water into the machine.
2. Then start with bright clothes, but only an armful: take it, together with your washing powder into the water. Then you can turn the button and the machine drum starts a slow spin. THAT is the actual washing.
3. Now, with your hands, you retrieve your stuff. Wring it out and put it into the second part of the machine, the centrifuge.
4. Again you need the water hose: you have to free the laundry of the soap. Once you did that you can start the centrifuge.
5. While your bright clothes are spinning you add the less brighter ones into the water. And so on.
The only important thing is: start with the bright and less dirty clothing as the water remains the same and will be darker and darker (one could say dirtier…) with every laundry load.
6. Now everything is (more or less) clean and you can hang out the laundry. Outside. Therefore the sun is important. Otherwise it will not dry as it is very humid here. And if your clothes are not really dry, they start to mold – and then they don’t smell so nicely. And you have to wash again.
Yap, so you actually DO your laundry for over an hour. And while your clothing is willing to dry you should (at all costs) stay at the house. ‘Cause rain is treacherous and could visit your nearly dried clothes within a second. And it would be really a shame to start from the beginning on…
I would like to help this family, that adopted me so affectionate, and surprise them with a new washing machine!
One could say: “Why they couldn’t just buy one by themselves?” and “I don’t even know this family.”
Padre Memo (75 years) and madre Margarita (65 years) – they always have a friendly ear and radiate so much cordiality that makes one feel warm all over.
I want to tell you a bit about this family – so you get them to know:
As a volunteer I came to Costa Rica one month ago and since then have lived with this family. And those people are the most warmly, most generous, the most positive – but also on the most low income I have ever met. Living in this little village in the mountains there were not so many possibilities to climb the career ladder – although developed an enormous noblesness of the heart.
Padre Memo (75 years) has a pension of $130. Madre Margarita (65 years) works hard, and with her salary of $230 she peps up the income
So together they have $360 a month. In a country where nearly everything is as expansive as in Europe!
They cultivate a lot in their garden to reduce costs for food. So you you know why they eat three times a day: rice with beans and vegetables – and eggs of their chicken.
Margarita and Memo also have a business idea, as Margarita feels more and more the pain in her hip and would love to stop working as a cook. So they are saving money: they want to build a greenhouse and a bigger stable for the chicken – so they could actually SELL those products.
AND: they rent out the empty child’s room – for people like me.
Business Idea: Selling vegetables, fruits and eggs.
Requirements: Material to build green house and henhouse.
Aim: Raise the income of $360.
Lately we were shopping. Therefore it’s best to go to the city, San Isidro, as in the little shop up here everything is way more expansive.
You would take the bus at 7 am. After one hour you’ll arrive San Isidro. Here you do your shopping, and then? Then you wait for the next bus going back up. Leaving at 11:30 am, and only one hour later you are home again…
And in San Isidro we passed a washing machine. Margarita’s eyes startet to gleam and dignified she pets the precious piece.
“She is just soooo beautiful…but just a bit too expansive…”
This washing machine (you only need to push the button and it would make your laundry clean without your help!) costs about $600.
And I thought, you could help me to buy it with a small (or bigger :-)) donation!
Can I collect more money then the machine would cost – that’s not a problem at all. My family’s wish list contains as well: material for their project. A window in the kitchen. A shelve for the dishes. A tiled floor…
Donate right now – or the latest August 24th 2017, so I could hand out the money for mis padres before I have to leave Costa Rica.
I am very grateful for every dollar!
Hi Kiki- I just shared on my Facebook page! We met shortly yesterday and the day before (the ones with the cooler). Keep up the great work. Marion
Hi Marion, it was so nice meeting you! And thank you sooo much for the cooler and the groceries – my family has been more than happy! I hope you had a save trip to San Jose and will have an enjoyable flight back home 🙂