“Ooooooooh! The sun is shining!” Matthias und Kiki are happy.
We have not seen the sun for a long time! Just as in Austria is the coldest winter since years, here is it rainy! And it does not just trickle, no! The rain pours down out of the sky. That is so impressive so I often press my nose against the window for a minute, or two, to watch the spectacle out there. California, despite numerous flooding and road blockages, is delighted as the drought (existing for years) is over.
The land needs the water, but we are thirsting for dry feet and sunshine. So, let’s go out there!
Saturday afternoon in San Francisco
Not beeing in The City for a quite long time, Carsten (our car) brings us to San Francisco where we enjoy the coast and the beach on Saturday afternoon: Lands End Trail & Baker Beach
Sunday: to make a virtue of necessity: The rain has filled the waterfalls!
On Sunday we are getting up early. Well, I get up as usual, but for Matthias, the late riser, it is in the middle of the night.
We drive OVER the Golden Gate Bridge – Yeiiiiiiii 🙂 – to the Cataract Falls, just north of San Francisco. The rain has brought back the water in the dry streams and waterfalls. So spring is the best time to go!
Before we begin to hike we have to look back at the city:

Then we go into the forest. Well, luckily we have not expected the Krimmler Waterfalls … (these are the highest waterfalls in Austria and more than spectacular to look at!)
On the left: Krimmler Waterfall in Salzburg, on the right: Cataract Falls in California 😉
But still we like the Cataract Falls! You can hike along the river, downhill and steep, and every other curve there is a new little waterfall. Nice!
A magical forest…
Catching sunshine – happy